Monday, January 29, 2007

The End of A Journey: A Retrospective

So here I am, at the end of my journey to South America. And what have I learned? Well, it's hard to say, but one adage remains true: absence makes the heart grow fonder. I never knew how much I liked Brooklyn until I was away from it for 2.5 months. Or maybe it's being away from my friends, or both. Either way, I am ready to come back and jump right back into my life, of which I know is eagerly waiting for me. But I do not want you to think I didn't have a good time down here. On the contrary, I had a blast. But instead of recapping everything, instead I 've decided to compile of things I will miss, and things I will not miss. Here goes:

Miss: The fact that it's summer.
Not Miss: Being really sweaty.

Miss: The charming people with alluring Spanish accents.
Not Miss: Not being able to communicate with everyone

Miss: The fact that you can sit at a cafe or restaurant for hours and they don't care and won't bother you
Not Miss: How much of a pain it is to get a check if you're in a rush

Miss: Not having to feel like I need to order anything "to go"
Not Miss: Not being able to order anything "to go"

Miss: Drinking coffee to enjoy the flavor and not to keep me awake
Not Miss: Not being able to find a decent cup of coffee... seriously, what's the deal with that?

Miss: The amazing red meat.
Not Miss: Most of the rest of the food, or lack-there-of. I miss good sushi, thai, and god help me even chinese food

Miss: The fact that there are always people hanging out after midnight
Not Miss: You just can't get a good mixed drink down here. They're just not into getting wasted.

Miss: Licuados. It's hard to find a really good, fresh fruit shake in America.
Not Miss: Having to always order water and specify "without gas"

Miss:Having nothing I have to do.
Not Miss: Finding things to do when I have nothing to do.

Miss:The exchange rate.
Not Miss: Always having to find a way to get small change.

Miss: The cool people I've met down here
Not Miss: Not being around my good friends

Well, that about covers it. I hope this has been both educational an informative. I will be rotating back to los Estados Unidos in 2 days. See you soon.


Unknown said...

I've got the pyrex bowl full of Lo Mein, steamed dumplings, boneless spareribs, a broken egg roll, and some Ben & Jerry's globed on top for you!!


I'm gonna go throw up now...

DrummStyle said...

Dios mio, Senior Casey. Algunas cosas no cambian nunca.

Patrick G. McCullough said...

Great reading, Mr. DrummStyle. I hope that you keep up the blog even in NY. I find that blogging is a way for me to keep writing. I think that my writing is getting better, or at least it's getting easier, through blogging.

I added you to my google reader, so I'll read your blog whenever you post something.
