Thursday, February 8, 2007

Back and on the run...

So I've been back for a week now, and I've already started and completed another shoot. Talk about hitting the ground running. I think the picture below says it all...

Yep, men in penguin suits. This is what my life has come to. It's also a fitting welcome to the bitter cold in NY. The other day, it was -13 degrees with the windchill. I though my head was lodged up Jack Frost's ass.

But regardless, it's good to be back. I have seen a lot of my friends, played and won 2 games of bocce, won $155 on the superbowl and been settling back nicely into my normal life, though it must be anything but normal these days.

My parents fly in on the 20th for a week. My grandmother died last year and we're getting rid off what's left in her house. The reasons may be sad, but it'll be good to see my parents regardless.

Until next time... TTFN


Unknown said...

What's awesome is the penguin's from the Bronx!

Patrick G. McCullough said...

Hey buddy, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. That sucks.