Friday, February 23, 2007

Games, Family and Work

So the long weekend was good. I played bocce, saw Kat, and played many a board game. One in particular I was introduced to was Ticket to Ride. It's a game where you try to build a rail system across Europe. First game of the day and the only one I was able to win.

Another game I really liked was Carcassonne. This game involves a series of tiles that each display a section of a field, road, castle or some combination of the three. You take turns placing the tiles and essentially building a world. You also get little wooden people called "meeples" that help you score points depending on where you place them. It's a very interesting and fun game, and can be played with as few as two players. The first time I played it took me a while to get it, and the second time I did much better.

In addition to fun and games, I shot yet another job with Whoopi Goldberg this week for LA Weight Loss. For those of you who don't know, I shot a commercial with her last Fall. Here's the picture form that:

This one was a lot bigger and a little stressful, but we wrapped super early, and you can't complain about that. Here are some pics:

asleep on the job...

sets we built...

brownie, anyone?

My parents were also in town this week. They were cleaning out my grandmother's house to get ready to sell it. I got a lot of cool stuff like a a 25" tv, stereo speakers, paintings and kitchenware. It's nice to get cool stuff, but it did feel strange dismantling a house I grew up in and had many memories with. It was like taking apart a section of my childhood and releasing it into the void. Here's a picture of me in my grandmother's kitchen for the very last time:

Bye, grandma. I hope you are in a better place.

So there you have it. Bring on the SPRING!

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