Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The Adventure Continues: The Arrival of Courtney and Gabe

Last Friday, the 29th of December 2006, my good friends Gabriel Ware and Courtney Arrived at Ezeiza Airport in Buenos Aires just as Ezra was getting into a cab to head to the airport himself to head home after having been here for a month. Courtney and Gabe will be here for approximately 9 days. Here is a day to day update of everything that's happened so far:

Friday. December 29th:

I realized as I was waiting with Ezra for his car to arrive that
I had told Gabe and Courtney the wrong address to come to. Thankfully, the address I did tell them was less than a block away. I figured it would take them a while to get to my place after customs and a cab and all. So around 6:30pm I headed downstairs to wait at the address I had given them. Sure enough, as I walk down the street, there is Gabe and Courtney wandering around having just been deposited from their cab. I casually said hello and our vacation begun.

That night I took them to La Cabrera because it was close and it's one of the better touristy parillas. A few days before they arrived I had contracted some kind of throat infection. That day I had managed to find a health clinic and got myself some penicilin. Unfortunately, I was on doctor's orders not to drink alcohol for a few days. I did not partake in the wonderful San Felicien Malbec we ordered. Needless to say, we made it an early night.

Saturday, December 30th:

Gabe got up well before Courtney and I and headed to Micro Centro where all the gover
nment buildings are. We joined him later and checked out a few places including the market at San Telmo and the Puente de la Mujer footbridge. That night we had dinner at Divina Patagonia, a big favorite of Ezra and I when he was here. Gabe had the wild boar, Courtney had the Lomo (tenderloin of the cow), and I had the Venison. All in all it was a knockout again. Courtney was introduced to Cinzano, a common vermouth drunk down here. It is currently her favorite drink.

Sunday, December 31st (New Years Eve Baby!):

I should mention that the night before, Courtney had decided to plug her hair dryer into the outlet. She used my power converter, but this did not save us from, the inevitable... you guessed it, power outage. Thankfully, I have a cool landlord who came on Sunday to help resotre the electricity. We slept without AC for a night, but managed to live through it. Thanks, Courts... ;) (she's very sensitive about it, so be sure to tease her a lot)

It was pretty hot out and there wasn't much open, but that wasn't going to stop us. We headed to Plaza Cortizar to have a light breakfast and do some reading. We then headed to the Botanical Gardens.

This is a really beautiful park in the Northern area of Palermo that has many beautiful statues and is overrun with ferral cats.

These statues represent the 1st, 4th, and the 5th movement of Beethoven's 4th Symphony. In person they are truly breathtaking.

After wandering around some more in the heat and realizing that nothing else was open, we found a cafe and chilled out.

Later that night, we went to a New Years Eve Party that we knew about through this American couple I had met the night I went to Casa Saltshaker. Here we are before going out.

We're so cute. Here are some pics of us at the party.

That glitter shit was very annoying. I had to take a shower to get most of it off. New Years eve was similar to Christmas in that there were fireworks EVERYWHERE. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it, on ly that once midnight hit they appeared to be more and more frequent. They were exploding all over the city, and usually no higher than the 20th story of buildings. This made for a very exhilarating (and a little scary) show of lights and sounds. I tried to capture some of it on camera.

I have a video as well, but it's a little big, so you'll have to wait as I figure out how to post it.

So that's all for now. I have more to show you, including our awesome visit tot he Recoleta Cemetary, but we must head out for dinner now. Keep checking for more updates.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have fulfilled my need to see stone boobs. Thank you, sir. They are indeed spectacular.
